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Governor Cuomo Approves Medical Marijuana Use for PTSD


Veterans Day was a little more special in New York this year. Governor Cuomo signed a bill that allows PTSD to be added to the state’s medical marijuana qualifying conditions list. Anyone who suffers from PTSD, including law enforcement, firefighters and military, will have access to medical marijuana.

Even those that are survivors of domestic violence and have been diagnosed with PTSD will now qualify, New York Daily News reports. The governor didn’t stop there though; he signed four more bills specifically for veterans to allow them time off for counseling and health visits. The civil service exam fee will now be waived for honorably discharged veterans. Veterans will also have a custom license plate created by the state.

Cuomo said, “Many of our veterans are suffering from PTSD and the medical community has determined that marijuana can be a helpful treatment in some areas. And part of our commitment to do everything we can do if there are veterans who are suffering and we can make a treatment available, we want to.”

Senator Diane Savino authored the legislation for PTSD and was thrilled to see the bill signed into law.

Cuomo also said, “This country is not this country without the work of the veterans. Their sacrifice and their courage is the highest form of patriotism.”

Senator Savino said, “New York is home to some of the bravest service members in the nation and in addition to residents suffering from PTSD due to other traumatic experiences, this legislation will ensure that everyone receives the effective treatment they deserve.”