The New York Department of Health announced it has opened the application process for businesses to register for a license to ...
May, 2015
December, 2014
3 December
NYC to Stop Arresting for Minor Marijuana Possession
New York Police Department Commissioner Bill Bratton announced that police in New York City will begin writing tickets instead of handcuffing ...
November, 2014
25 November
NY Marijuana Decriminalization More Popular than Mayor
According to poll from Quinnipiac, marijuana decriminalization in New York City is far more popular than Mayor Bill de Blasio. Here ...
20 November
NYC Mayor Wants Mail-in Policy for Marijuana Fines
Mayor de Blasio wants to allow people to pay fines by mail. The convenience would be similar to a system already ...
19 November
NYC Makes Historic Move For Marijuana With 25g Rule
On the heels of speculation swirling Sunday that New York would end the prosecution and arrest of individuals for low-level marijuana ...
3 November
NY Postal Workers Arrested in Marijuana Bust, 129lbs Siezed
The U.S. Department of Justice has announced that Federal agents arrested 8 U.S. Postal Service workers in Bethpage, New York in ...
October, 2014
21 October
Marijuana Arrests Are Falling In New York City And Across The Country
In 1992, when Americans elected a president who said he had smoked pot without inhaling, the number of marijuana arrests in ...