A recent survey of more than 24,000 Canadians with PTSD found that those using marijuana had decreased depression and suicidal thoughts. ...
November, 2019
13 November
Mexico Is Legalizing Recreational Marijuana Before May 1, 2020
Mexico’s senators have an additional 6 months to create regulations for marijuana legalization after being granted an extension by the Mexico ...
October, 2019
27 October
Bernie Sanders Vows to Legalize Marijuana (If Elected President)
Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders just released his plan to legalize marijuana within his first 100 days in office (should he be ...
25 October
National Support for Marijuana Legalization Is at 66%
For the last year, support for legalizing marijuana in the U.S. has remained at 66%. That stability comes from a 30% ...
17 October
Netherlands to Give Full Marijuana Legalization a Trial Run
The Netherlands is preparing to introduce a “weed test” in cities other than Amsterdam. The test would allow smaller-sized municipalities to ...
9 October
Las Vegas’ First Marijuana Tasting/Testing Room Opens
The Las Vegas dispensary Nuwu Cannabis Marketplace has opened a marijuana tasting room. The dispensary is located on Paiute Tribal land, ...
3 October
The First Marijuana Cafe in the United States Is Now Open
The first marijuana cafe in the U.S. opens this week in Hollywood. The establishment, called Lowell Farms: A Cannabis Cafe, will ...
1 October
Study Finds 1.3M New Yorkers Used Marijuana Over the Last Year
A new study regarding marijuana usage in New York City reveals that 1.3 million residents reported using marijuana within the last ...
September, 2019
28 September
Australia’s Capital Legalizes Recreational Marijuana Use
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is the first region in Australia to legalize personal possession and cultivation of marijuana. Those over the ...
25 September
CBD Puts Government Employees’ Jobs in Jeopardy
Persons with federal and state jobs as well as with special security clearances could be putting their jobs at risk if ...