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Home / World Marijuana News / Anheuser-Busch Heir Starts a Cannabis Company

Anheuser-Busch Heir Starts a Cannabis Company

Beer Marijuana

Adolphus Busch V, the great-great-grandson of beer tycoon Adolphus Busch, has entered the marijuana space with a line of vaporizer pens named ABV Cannabis.

The 27-year-old heir was denied a job at the family business due to a new company nepotism rule, so he decided to get into the marijuana industry, Bloomberg reports.

Prior to beginning his brand, Busch worked for Keef Cola, a marijuana-infusing beverage company.

“Growing up I always knew I wanted to work in the family business, creating quality and affordable products that appealed to a variety of consumers,” said Adolphus Busch V, founder of ABV Cannabis Co. “However, once I saw all the incredible benefits that cannabis could bring to people and the immense opportunity presented by the cannabis industry, I knew I could take all I learned from my pioneering family heritage and create a new legacy for myself in the cannabis space.”

ABV Cannabis Co. products are available today at retailers throughout the state of Colorado, with plans for national expansion over the coming months.

Photo: goo.gl/WNyJR6